Malíř Jan Eipell

From an undefined point to a point even less defined. In truth I go from nowhere to nothing I only travel in something; it isn’t places, through which the route goes, they are much more like a limited being, tention in time. It is more like a state of mind

Z neurčitého místa na místo ještě nevymezenější. Vpravdě jdu odnikud nikam, jen putuji v něčem; nejsou to místa, kudy vede ta cesta: mnohem spíše je to určité trvání, napětí v čase, spíše jen stav.

Citace z knihy J. Čapek Kulhavý poutník

You are invited to:

You can download the catalog for the exhibition here

„Through Gethsemane Garden“ Opening speech

Introduction to „Through Gethsemane Garden“ Exhibition in Zet Gallery, Velká Bystřice
Opening speech and performance Jiří Mach
Camera Martin Trabalik

Interview from the J.W.Mezerov Gallery in Úpice. Public National TV  Click HERE.

A Little Big Video about what and why I am actually doing

Author: Michala Komrsková
Camera and editing: Ondřej Mazura
Filmed for: National TV, Art Channel
Year 2020

The Newest Paintings

Jan Eipell

From the Chaos of Creation (oil, canvas, 2021/22)

Oil Painting Author Jan Eipell

Through the Gethsemane Garden (Combined technique, canvas 190x190cm)

Oil Painting Author Jan Eipell

Variation of Life (oil, canvas, 2022, 120x200cm, private collection)

Oil Painting

Scenery in Motion (oil, canvas, 2022, 170x90cm, private collection)

Oil Painting Author Jan Eipell

Mutuality (oil, canvas, 2022, 100x100cm, available)


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